Tartu mnt 64 homes feature spacious layouts and are filled with natural light.

Valminud korteri sisustus

2-room apartments

The building includes a total of four 2-room guest apartments, making them perfect for a city home or investment.

*Apartments with a designated use as guest facilities

3-toalised korterid

Maja viies 3-toalises korteris on ruumikad ja valgusküllased elamispinnad, mis sobivad koduks nii väikestele peredele kui ka paaridele, kes otsivad suuremat eluruumi.

*Korteriomandid, mille kasutusotstarve on külaliskorter.

4-toalised korterid

The building features four 4-room apartments, offering comfort for those who appreciate a historic atmosphere and unique details.


A storage space can be purchased for the apartment or guest apartment for 4900€. Apartment buyers have the option to purchase a parking space for 18 900€.

Laur Teppan
+372 5682 2666
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Bill Valdre
+372 517 8681